About Our Store

Every company claims that there products are THE BEST, TASTY, HEALTHY ETC ETC. But we at the Little Farm Co. go the extra length to justify our claims.We own nearly 400 acres of lush farm lands in the interior of Madhya Pradesh, fed by unpolluted rivers, among some of the most pollution free areas which are ALL bordering government owned Forest Land. Our farms are in very low population density areas where there is no industrial activity, It is here that we grow our own fruits & vegetables along with most of the spices using organic farming practices. We also grow black and yellow sarson (mustard) and Til (sesame) to produce pure cooking oil. We use desi khand and gur which is made without the use of gandhak(Sulfur) in place of sugar. Also instead of the normal table salt (high in sodium) we use siandha namak (rock salt).You are all welcome to visit our farms at any time to see for yourselves the farming practices, handcrafted pickle making and enjoy the joy of being in the lap of nature (most convenient location is Khajuraho).

Now here's to providing you the tastiest, healthiest traditional pickles. CHEERS & HAPPY BINGING

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