Frequently Asked Questions Related to Mustard Oil

What is mustard oil?
Mustard oil is a type of oil that's made by pressing the seeds of the mustard plant.

Why mustard oil prices are rising in India?
Mustard oil prices are rising in India because of unpredictable weather conditions, untimely rain and drought.

How to make mustard oil at home?
Below is the procedure for making mustard oil at home:

  • Dry the mustard seeds. It is necessary to eliminate all the water from the seeds. It is preferred to be Sun-dried as it removes the water completely.
  • All the dirt and foreign elements are removed. It is important to make sure that there are no other particles with the seeds to ensure purity.
  • Seeds are heated. It is done to increase the yield of oil.
  • This heated seed is crushed by machines. This is an hour long process. This crushing is followed by pressing. Pressing extracts the oil.
  • The oil is collected; this oil is filtered to remove any the impurity. This is done carefully to ensure the oil is not impure.
  • The oil can be packed in a bottle and stored.

What is cold pressed? Are the usual oils available cold pressed?
Cold pressed oils are obtained naturally by crushing oil seeds at room temperature. There is no extra heat and chemicals required, which makes them the healthiest variant of oil available to us.

How is cold pressed better than regular oil?
Regular oils undergo hydrogenation process and are further treated with harmful chemicals to increase their shelf-life and yield capacity. On the other hand, since cold-pressed oils are unfiltered and minimally processed, they have a shorter shelf-life and produce a lower yield. For this reason, cold pressed oil is better than regular oil.

Is mustard oil good for cooking?
Yes, Mustard oil is good for cooking as it has many benefits like:
- mustard oil possesses powerful antimicrobial properties and may help block the growth of certain types of harmful bacteria
- It may promote skin and hair health
- It may support heart health
- It may help treat cold symptoms and etc.

What are the health benefits of mustard oil?
The health benefits of mustard oil are:
- Reduces risk of inflammation
- Improves heart health
- May encourage healthy weight
- Antimicrobial Properties
- Skin and Hair health
- Boosts blood circulation, etc.


Which mustard oil is best for health (cold pressed or regular)?
Cold-pressed mustard oil is better than normal mustard oil. The main difference between the two is that cold-pressed mustard oil is made without any heat or chemicals, so it retains all of its nutrients and has a more natural flavour.

What is Kachi Ghani mustard oil?
Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil refers to cold press extraction process for taking out oil from seeds. Sarso Oil from seeds was extracted in kohlus. In this process, seeds are crushed at a low temperature so natural properties, antioxidants, and essential oils are retained in the oil.

What are the side effects of consuming mustard oil? Should it be avoided in some conditions?
Eating mustard seeds, leaves, or paste is generally considered safe for most people, especially when consumed in amounts typically found in the average person's diet. That said, consuming large amounts, such as those typically found in mustard extracts, may result in minor issues such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gut inflammation.

Is mustard oil antibacterial?
Yes, mustard oil possesses powerful antimicrobial properties and may help block the growth of certain types of harmful bacteria.

How to remove pungency of mustard oil?
Before using mustard oil for preparing vegetables etc. heat it to a point till light smoke emerges from it. This would remove the pungency from the oil.

Is mustard oil vegan?
Yes, Mustard Oil is Vegan.

Which is better sunflower oil or mustard oil?
Sunflower and mustard oil both come from natural seeds and are invented long ago. But sunflower oil is established recently when mustard oil is used from the ancient age. And not only in cooking, but raw mustard oil is used as other purposes. It helps to defeat common cough and cold as a home remedy and work magically.

How to extract oil from mustard seeds at home?
Below is the procedure for making mustard oil at home:

  • Dry the mustard seeds. It is necessary to eliminate all the water from the seeds. It is preferred to be Sun-dried as it removes the water completely.
  • All the dirt and foreign elements are removed. It is very much required to see that there are no other particles with the seeds to ensure purity.
  • Seeds are heated. It is done to increase the yield of oil.
  • This heated seed is crushed by machines. This is an hour process. This crushing is followed by pressing. Pressing removes the oil.
  • The oil is collected; this oil is filtered to remove any the impurity. This is done carefully to ensure the oil is not impure.
  • The oil can be packed in a bottle and stored.

How to choose the right mustard oil?
You would take a little of the oil (just a drop was enough) and you would gently rub it into the palm of your hand – and smell it. The pungent zing in your nose would tell you that it was pure Mustard Oil.

What is the color of mustard oil?
Mustard Oil is generally yellow in colour.

How to identify cold pressed mustard oil?
You would take a little of the oil (just a drop was enough) and you would gently rub it into the palm of your hand – and smell it. The pungent zing in your nose would tell you that it was pure Mustard Oil.

How do you test the purity of your mustard oil?
There are various purity test of mustard oil:
- Freezing test: Take some mustard oil in a cup or bowl. Keep it in the fridge for a few hours. If the oil is freezing and having white spots, then there is something added in it and it is a counterfeit.
- Rubbing test: Take some oil in your palms and rub it properly. If it leaves any trace of colour and smells like a chemical, then it has been adulterated with spurious substances.
- Nitric Acid test: Take a tablespoon of oil and mix it with 5 ml of nitric acid. If the mixture turns yellowish orange or crimson colour, then it has been mixed with Argemone oil.
- Barometer test: Pure mustard oil gives a barometer reading of 58 to 60.5. If the reading is more than this then the oil is fake.

Why mustard oil is used in pickles?
We use cold pressed mustard oil because it has powerful antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties. This prevents the formation of any mould or bacterial growth in the pickles. It also forms a layer of protection between air and pickles from the bacteria present in the air.

What are the ingredients of your mustard oil?
The ingredients of the cold pressed mustard oil is black mustard seeds.

How is your mustard oil different from the ones in the market?
We at Little Farm grow our own mustard and then cold press it to take out the oil. We do not blend anything in our oil. As per FSSAI millers are permitted to blend upto 10% of other oils into mustard oil. Mustard oil is being blended with rice bran, soyabean and palm oil," Adani Wilmar Deputy CEO Angshu Mallick told the But we only sell 100 % pure mustard oil.

Is it possible to sample your mustard oil before buying large packs?
Yes, we do half liter and 1 liter packaging which is our trial pack, so one can 1st purchase it for trial and then if they like they can go ahead for 5L packaging.
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